Saturday, January 6, 2024

Tamanrasset Algeria Day 3

I hiked a little on my own to a nice spot for the sunrise since nobody else was up for it. I had the phone for a camera, but it was just a camera. We were disconnected from the world.

It was an interesting feeling to be back to my youth and unplugged from information about the world that's continuously streamed to us over the Internet. I don't think it impacted me much other than there being a bit more overall quiet to existence. I can see where some people crave these experiences as an information detox.

You can just turn off your phone for the same kind of detox effect. I have it on Do Not Disturb while I sleep, so it happens every night anyway. Maybe I'll do it a little more from time to time... nah!

an interesting hard rock that was shaped by water since it sits in a dry river bed

our campsite and then another morning hike from it while they finish packing

we hiked to a well with a solar pump

time to restock our water

We reached an interesting area with water and vegetation and everyone drives through the water and vegetation. I would think there'd be more respect for the water, but what do I know?

We arrived at our campsite for New Year's Eve night. It's nestled inside that mountain bit in the picture above.

We drive in...

...and find this cool pass that people use for camping. Nobody's here so it's ours for the night! There's lots of pictures of this area because it was a cool place to be and start the new year.

more carvings

dinner site and campsite

dinner by campfire and lantern

Our guides setup these candles in bags for the New Year. It was a neat idea, but we were too tired to wait for the arbitrary local midnight. We decided to celebrate someone else's midnight and go to sleep about the normal time. Our driver said it was a good idea anyway since the next day would be a long one.

We had a special dinner of meat and veggies cooked under this pot in the ground with some dirt and fire over it. It was a desert ground oven. It reminded me of the Hawaiian luau and the meat they cook buried in the ground for the day. It's a similar slow cooking method.

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