Saturday, January 18, 2025

Djanet Algeria Day 5


Our final day in Djanet was another great one of beauty as we headed back to paved roads and civilization. We went to the town and some shopping for the group. Our final meal was a dinner campsite near the airport to be ready for our late night flight back to Algiers.


the black sand can be picked up with magnets

leaving the tourist area and heading back to the paved road

90 km back to Djanet

our lunch spot setup along the way back to town

a rock like an elephant

a rock like a praying man

a popular tourist site with the crying cow carving

this seems to be the most popular carving, so it's like the Mona Lisa of Djanet

elaborate traffic circle decoration

the oasis in the town

just a couple of pics of the shopping area

working on these things

Apparently I was tired and didn't really take any more pics for the evening. I was extra cold because I couldn't add my extra layer of long underwear before dinner so I kept my hands in my gloves. It was a long day ending with a 1:25am flight back to Algiers which was delayed an hour before we finally made it home about 5am.

In the end, it was an amazing trip. It was probably our best trip in Algeria after two and a half years of travels.

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